Saturday 26 February 2011

Advertising 101- Lesson 6 - Consistency Is Key

Research shows that most people need to be exposed to a product or service six or seven times before they make a buying decision. It becomes a lot more difficult for people to make that decision if your message is not consistent.
Consistency doesn't have to mean monotony though. The best example of this would be televisions Oxo family. The advertisements, staring Linda Bellingham, gave a consistent message of family, togetherness, warmth and great food, all the while changing and growing with the trends of the time.
You may not be launching a million pound TV ad campaign but the principles remain the same.

1. Define your message – know what it is you're trying to say.
2. Communicate clearly – don't confuse the issue with too much information, less is more.
3. Stick to your guns – whatever medium you use, keep a clear concise representation on your message, ethos or goal running through all your advertising.
The more often people see your message the more often you'll come to mind when they're looking for your product or service.

At Blue Crayon we believe Consistency is the key

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